Agent Audio Soundboards

Audio Soundboards can allow a human agent to just play a few selected audio recordings, like legal or contractual disclaimers, or they can replace an agent speaking to the customer entirely in much more complex audio soundboard setups. We have tested the Agent Soundboard control screen in VICIdial with over 100 audio recordings successfully, and the system is capable of handling many more than that.
Agent Soundboards have been in use in call centers around the world for years. The technology to play selected audio files within a VICIdial agent session has also been available for several years through the D1-DIAL options in the agent interface, but only a few audio files could be selected and played easily. So, in order to allow for more audio files to be displayed within the agent Script tab or a separate window and quickly played, as well as allow an audio file that is being played to be instantly stopped or restarted, new administrative interface, agent interface and server-side modules were needed. This new VICIdial Audio Soundboard module adds those new features.
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